Foreclosure Options

Facing foreclosure? Here are your options.

Sell Your House for Cash

When you're facing foreclosure, selling your house for cash could be one of your best options. As a real estate investment firm, we will buy your home outright, pay off the balance, place cash in your hands, and help you to save your financial future.

At Two Little Birds, we specialize in buying homes for cash without the need for repairs, appraisals, banks, or even real estate broker fees. We focus on solutions and creating win-win outcomes for everyone involved.

Foreclosure Options

Loan Modification

A loan modification is any change or modification to the terms of your original home loan. Depending on the type of loan you have (Conventional, FHA, VA, etc.), there are several loan modifications that could be available to you.

Sell Through Realtor

Before you consider this route, you are behind in payments or in foreclosure, you have to disclose this information to your listing agent. It can take 30 to 45 days to close, and if your foreclosure date is before the closing date, then this will not be an option for you.

Refinance Mortgage

If you are behind on your mortgage payments, in pre-foreclosure or in foreclosure on your home, it is not possible to refinance your mortgage. That said, it is critical you trust your mortgage broker as they might charge you appraisal fees, loan fees, and broker fees before letting you know you do not qualify.

Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

If you give ownership of your home and deed it back to the bank, this is called a deed in lieu of foreclosure. While your bank will always accept this option, it is not a good option for you. The bank may place a foreclosure on your credit, and if the bank sells your house for less than what you owe on it, you could end up with a 1099-C, which is sent to the IRS as additional income.

Forbearance Agreement

A Forbearance Agreement may be a smart choice for you when you don’t qualify for a loan modification. A Forbearance Agreement is an agreement you arrange with your bank. The bank will ask for attorney fees and also 40-50 percent of your back payments. From there, your remaining back payments are equally divided between the next six to12 payments. This will raise your monthly payment during that time.

Subject To

In a Subject To, you will deed your house to us through a Warranty Deed. From there, we will bring your mortgage current by paying your back/late mortgage payments. We will then make all of your monthly mortgage payments until your house is sold or refinanced, whichever comes first. Once complete, we will file the deed at the courthouse, which protects both my interests and your interests.

Do Nothing: Lose Home/Credit

In foreclosure, your home will be sold at an auction. Once sold, a sheriff’s deputy will come out to your house to remove you, your family, and your belongings—directly to the curb.

The hit to your credit from a foreclosure will disqualify you from acquiring new credit cards, possibly getting a new job, a new car, purchasing another home, and even renting an apartment.

Not only that, but a foreclosure will remain on your credit for up to 10 years.

Foreclosure Rescue: Learn More About Selling Your House for Cash

Now that you know a little more about your foreclosure options, we are here to invest in your nest, put cash in your pocket, help you prevent an avoidable foreclosure, and save your financial future. At Two Little Birds, we want you to know about all of your options so you don't lose your home to foreclosure and negatively affect your credit. We understand everyone's situation is unique, which is why we have shared all of the options out there for you. It's critical you have all of the information you need ahead of time so you can make the best decision for you and your family.

Please call us today and we will try to help in any way we can to give you the knowledge, understanding and options you need to help you make the right decision for your unique situation. If you decide to sell your house for cash, Two Little Birds is here to help you!

Call us at 727-380-1213 to learn more about your options, or email us at